Our Missions
When applied well, technology has the power to save lives. This is why Télécoms Sans Frontières adapts the latest technologies to meet emerging needs during humanitarian crises in the areas of Disaster Response, Education, Capacity Building, Protection & Assistance, and Bridging the Digital Divide.
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163 missions accross 77 countries
Our last missions
- Ongoing
Cyclone Chido
After the devastating passage of cyclone Chido, TSF is deploying to Mayotte to provide emergency communications to the affected populations and to coordinate relief operations.
- Ongoing
Support for refugees and people displaced by the war
Since September 2024, clashes on the Lebanese-Israeli border have caused over 1,600 deaths and thousands of injuries, displacing 346,000 people in Lebanon. TSF is in the field to set up activities to support the people affected.
Hurricane Beryl
On July 1, 2024, Hurricane Beryl caused extensive damage on the islands of St Vincent and the Grenadines and Grenada. Continuing its path through the Caribbean, it also hit Jamaica. Two TSF teams are on site to provide emergency telecoms support, in coordination with CDEMA and UNDAC.
Digital Training for Women in Syria
TSF and Syrian partner Zoom In Organization are starting a new project to provide training on the safe use of the internet to women most impacted by the 2023 earthquakes in Northern Syria.
- 2024
Hurricane Otis
In the aftermath of Hurricane Otis in Acapulco, Mexico, TSF deployed to support emergency telecommunications as part of its collaboration with the International Movement of the Red Cross.
Floods in Libya
TSF deployed for a mission after the massive flooding that occurred in Libya on Sunday, September 10, to support relief response through technology.
Earthquake in Morocco
Télécoms Sans Frontières deployed to Morocco following the magnitude 6.8 earthquake on September 8, 2023, to reach the worst-hit areas where networks are down, and set up telecoms centers to support relief efforts and meet the needs of those affected.
Earthquake in South Turkey
TSF deploys teams to support the populations in South Turkey and North Syria regions affected by the 7.8 magnitude earthquake and 7.5 aftershock.
Cyclones Batsiraï and Emnati
Cyclone Batsirai made landfall on the east coast of Madagascar on Saturday 5 February, with registered wind gusts of up to 235 km/h. Less than three weeks after, on 22 February, another powerful cyclone, Emnati, hit the same area. Thousands of people have been impacted and displaced.
- Ongoing
Emergency response for the populations affected by the war
In response to the war in Ukraine, a TSF team reached Ukraine’s neighbouring countries on 28 February.
- 2023
Building regional emergency telecoms capacity
TSF is pleased to announce the start of a new project, funded by the Internet Society Foundation. This two-year project will build regional responders' capacity to recover emergency telecommunications in the most disaster-prone regions of the world.
South-West Haiti earthquake
A powerful 7.2 magnitude earthquake hit Haiti on Saturday 14 August. TSF deployed a team from its headquarters to provide humanitarian assistance in the affected area.
Western Europe Flooding
In July 2021, record rainfall caused widespread flooding across Western Europe, with some areas suffering the worst devastation in decades. More than 180 casualties were confirmed and thousands forced to leave their houses.
Tropical Storm Eta
In 2020, the hurricane season in the Atlantic Ocean has been exceptionally active. TSF deployed in collaboration with the United Nations to provide reliable communications in affected areas of Honduras.
- 2023
Connectivity in Lesvos Refugee Camp
TSF deployed on the ground soon after the fire. Our team is maintaining the only Internet connection in the camp.
- 2021
Beirut port explosions
TSF deployed a team to Beirut in collaboration with the United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) teams and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA) to provide reliable communications in the area of the disaster.
- 2022
TSF provides digital and technical activities to Syrian refugee children living in Gaziantep to help them rebuild their future.
Typhoon Kammuri
TSF deploys its teams to support the populations affected by Typhoon Kammuri, the Philippines' 20th tropical cyclone for 2019
The Bahamas
Hurricane Dorian
TSF deploys its teams to support the populations affected by the strongest hurricane in the history of The Bahamas
Cyclones Idai and Kenneth
After a powerful cyclone made landfall in Mozambique in the night between 14 and 15 March, TSF teams deployed to the coastal area of Beira to provide communication means to the affected population.
- Ongoing
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Balkan Migration Crisis
The migration crisis at the European Union border between Croatia and Bosnia is worsening. TSF has started its operations in collaboration with the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) to provide internet connectivity in the Bira shelter opened by IOM in October 2018.
Sulawesi earthquake
A magnitude 5.7 earthquake followed by a tsunami hit the Indonesian island of Sulawesi on September 28. TSF immediately deploys its ICT technicians on site.
Typhoon Mangkhut
TSF provides rescue organisations on the ground satellite connections following the Typhoon Mangkhut that caused deadly landslides.
Lombok Earthquake
In response to the series of earthquakes that struck Indonesia between 28th July and 19th August 2018, TSF supported the affected population on Lombok Island.
- 2019
Venezuelan Migration Crisis
TSF offers priority calls to Venezuelan refugees in Brazil in response to the one of the biggest migration crises in South American history.
- Ongoing
Latin American migratory movement
TSF developed an information diffusion system for the protection of migrants in transit and asylum seekers in Mexico, Guatemala and Colombia.
- 2018
Hurricane Maria
TSF supported relief teams and local authorities, as well as the thousands of people affected on the island of Dominica by Hurricane Maria from 20th September 2017 to 18th February 2018.
Saint-Martin (France)/Saint Barthélemy
Hurricane Irma
The most powerful hurricane recorded in the Caribbean since 1989 had a major impact on communications. TSF focused on providing means of communication to the population and the relief community in the most affected areas of Saint-Martin and Saint-Barthélémy.
Cyclone Enawo
In coordination with the Malagasy National Response Mechanism and the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), TSF provided connectivity support in areas affected by the hurricane.
- 2017
Hurricane Matthew
After the hurricane, the most affected cities of Jérémie and Les Cayes were deprived of contact with the outside world. TSF teams were on hand to provide the essential communications to rescue teams and residents.
- 2017
Iraq Crisis : Mosul
As the Iraqi Army and various Kurdish, Turkish and Shiite militia forces take over the city of Mosul - under Daech's control since 2014, TSF provides communications to humanitarian organisations in the IDP camps in Nineveh province.
ICT training for ECHO technical staff
At the request of the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Service, TSF shared its know-how in emergency telecommunications with technical and logistic experts at its operational base in Bangkok.
Ecuador earthquake – Manabí
TSF contributes to emergency response with organisations helping people in the province of Manabi, hard hit by the earthquake.
- 2016
Maternal and child health follow-up
Mobile system to collect medical data to improve maternal and child health in Azaz District, Syria.
- 2016
European Migrant Crisis
TSF uses ICT at the heart of the migration crisis to meet the needs in telecommunication of migrant families
- 2019
Fighting the food crisis in Guatemala's Dry Corridor
TSF develops a mobile solution for information collection, management and monitoring for a food aid programme in response to the drought crisis in Guatemala's Dry Corridor.
Post-earthquake mHealth - Epidemic detection
Development and implementation of a mobile medical data collection system to improve and streamline the exchange of information.
Gorkha Earthquake
The magnitude 7.8 earthquake hit Gorkha district in Nepal hard. To rescue affected populations in these mountainous areas, TSF telecom support is a valuable asset for the response system.
Cyclone Pam
At over 250km/h, cyclone Pam's winds rendered the communications system connecting the 65 inhabited islands of Vanuatu inoperative. TSF teams worked to reconnect local authorities and populations to facilitate relief operations.
- 2017
Niger/Burkina Faso
Building resilience and adaptation to climate extremes and disasters programme (BRACED)
Strengthening the resilience of pastoralists and agropastoralists through securing cross-border livestock mobility, promotion and service provision in the Sahel.
- 2018
Bridging the digital divide in Nicaragua's remote regions
ICT to help bridge the digital divide in Nicaragua's remote and rural communities
Typhoon Hagupit
TSF supports the many rescue teams in the field, as well as the thousands of people affected by Typhoon Hagupit.
- 2016
Support to Ghanaian orphans
To promote the empowerment of orphaned young adults in Ghana, TSF partnered with Orphan Aid Africa to support the YASS (Young Adult Support Service) centre. This centre offered an internet connection and access to ICT to give young people the means to succeed in their studies and professional lives.
mLearning for displaced Iraqi children
TSF supports displaced children with new technologies for educational activities.
Security support for humanitarian actors in Iraq
TSF places ICT at the service of the security of humanitarian workers
- 2015
Mobile technology to reinforce maternal healthcare
New technologies for a safer motherhood in Myanmar by strengthening the capacities of local auxiliary midwives
- 2016
Strengthening the Amazon telehealth network
In the Amazon rainforest, sanitary conditions jeopardize the health of isolated communities. TSF supported the telehealth project initiated by the Federation of Indigenous Organizations of Rio Negro (FOIRN) by connecting 4 primary centres dedicated to maternal and child healthcare.
Typhoon Haiyan
TSF supports the rescue teams in the field, as well as the thousands of people affected by Typhoon Haiyan from 7th November to 8th December 2013.
Bohol Earthquake
The October 15 earthquake on the island of Bohol affected nearly 400,000 people. TSF provided means of communication to local authorities to enable them to better organise their response. Humanitarian calling operations were also carried out to enable the inhabitants of the most affected cities to contact their families.
ICT training for ECHO technical staff
Technical experts and logisticians from the European Commission's Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection Service received training in emergency telecommunications from TSF in Nairobi.
- 2019
mLearning for Syrian children
TSF provides digital educational opportunities for Syrian refugee children living in Gaziantep to help them rebuild their future.
Mali conflict - Emergency communications for the population of Timbuktu
TSF deployed in Mali on 1st February 2013 to set up satellite connections in Timbuktu after the liberation of the city by the French and Malian armies.
- 2019
mLearning for Syrian children
TSF supported the education of displaced and refugee Syrian children by using digital technologies to expand educational resources and activities.
Typhoon Bopha
Typhoon Bopha, locally known as Pablo, hit the island of Mindanao on December 3, 2012, causing significant damage. TSF intervened from its base in Asia to provide the means of communication necessary for the coordination of relief, and allowed the affected communities to make a priority call to their relatives.
Champerico Earthquake
The 7.4 magnitude earthquake that rocked the San Marcos department of Guatemala in November 2012 caused a great deal of destruction and several dozen deaths and disappearances. TSF offered telecommunication assistance to relief organisations, and provided calls to people in temporary shelters.
- 2013
Mobile information system
In a country where agriculture accounts for nearly 40% of GDP, TSF supports rural development through the implementation of a system of exchange of information on agricultural and livestock markets in partnership with different local and international actors. For this purpose, a new application for SMS data collection was developed.
- 2014
International Workshop - Enhanced Response Capacity
TSF organised a capacity building programme to strengthen the humanitarian response system through the optimal use of technologies
Costa Rica
Nicoya Earthquake
Following the magnitude 7.6 earthquake that struck the Guanacaste region of northwestern Costa Rica, TSF intervened with mobilized humanitarian actors and local authorities with means of communication, crucial for coordinating aid during the first phase. of first urgency.
- 2015
Niger/Burkina Faso
Strengthening coordination in Malian refugee camps
In order to strengthen the support given to the thousands of Malians fleeing the violence in their country, TSF provided high-speed, reliable and fast satellite communications for the improved coordination of organisations in the field.
- 2024
Syrian Crisis
Medical care is essential for Syrian civilians, who may be injured by fighting and shelling, but also weakened by the very difficult living conditions imposed by the war since 2011. TSF provides means of communication to coordinate hospitals and medical teams working in this unsafe and unstable environment, and to improve their security.
Cyclone Giovanna
The intense tropical cyclone Giovanna struck the east coast of Madagascar on 13th February 2011. TSF deployed a team and telecom facilities in the worst-hit areas surrounding Brickaville.
Kenyan food crisis
In response to the severe food crisis in northern Kenya and its neighboring countries in the Horn of Africa, TSF dispatched a team to the affected area of Dadaab in northeastern Kenya. TSF were are responsible for connecting the crisis centre for NGOs working in the region.
- Ongoing
IT Cup project, Miarinarivo, Itasy region
Improve the living conditions of the population of the Itasy Region by using Information Communication Technologies (ICT) to create social links, responding to local priority issues for sustainable development
- 2015
Migration crisis - Reconnecting families
TSF supports the Mexican association FM4 Paso Libre in a project offering humanitarian calls and setting up a registration system for migrants hosted in the FM4 centre in Guadalajara.
- 2018
Technology in the combat against Gender-based Violence
In the department of Chinandega, more than half of women report having suffered physical, sexual or psychological violence. TSF supports the action of the Chinandega Women's Movement Association (MMCH) with a mobile early warning and prevention system to combat such violence.
Van Earthquake
After the violent earthquake in eastern Turkey on October 23, 2012, a team from TSF intervened in less than 24 hours. In order to assess the telecommunication needs of the humanitarian community and the population, the team coordinated with the crisis centre in Van, then joined Erciş, the most devastated city.
El Salvador
El Salvador Floods
In the autumn of 2011, the western coast of El Salvador experienced torrential rains. The departments of Ahuachapan and Usulutan were invaded by large-scale floods. TSF supported the Civil Protection with a system for data collection and emergency communication.
- 2012
Food Crisis - M-Pesa mobile cash transfer
After almost two years of drought, the situation in northern Kenya deteriorated in the summer of 2011. TSF partnered with VSF-Germany to conduct Cash For Work activities in South Marsabit District, Turkana West, North Horr and Loyangalani. Thanks to TSF's expertise, beneficiaries were able to be paid by the M-PESA mobile payment system.
Bangkok Floods
The northern suburbs of Bangkok are under water. TSF evacuated its regional base and set up telephony operations in neighborhoods where the network had been affected.
- 2013
Community Centre - Svay Chek
TSF provides remote communities in western Cambodia with access to ICTs
National Capacity Building
The Philippines is regularly hit by natural disasters, notably typhoons and earthquakes. These major events can seriously affect communications. This is why in partnership with the NDRRMC, TSF proposed to strengthen the emergency telecommunications capabilities of the national emergency response agency.
Japan Tsunami
On 11 March 2011 an earthquake measuring 9 on the Richter scale triggered a tsunami in North-East Japan, with 10-metre waves ravaging the coastal areas and causing the worst nuclear disaster since Chernobyl, with the explosion of the reactor of the Fukushima power station. The destruction of infrastructure, the shortage of fuel, and many power cuts to the capital make the situation extremely complex. TSF deployed from its base in Bangkok to provide its emergency communications facilities. The mission drew to a close due to the high risk of the nuclear alert.
Libyan crisis
During the nine months following the uprising in Libya, TSF remained on the ground providing emergency calls and connections to civilians fleeing the fighting and to NGOs working alongside them.
- 2011
Barranquilla Floods
At the request of the Colombian government, a TSF team assisted the various actors in the crisis unit, including UNDAC, to help the populations by the flood at the end of December 2010. Technical support was provided in the affected areas including Atlantico and Baranquilla.
- 2011
National Capacity Building
In order to reduce the impact of recurring natural disasters in the Philippines, the European Commission funded a capacity building programme for the NDRRMC, the national risk management agency. During the programme, 10 emergency telecommunication kits and 27 telephony kits were pre-positioned in exposed areas including the capital, Manila. TSF also provided training workshops to NDRRMC staff.
Post-emergency - National Capacity Building
8 months after the devastating earthquake of 2010, an assessment conducted by TSF highlighted the need to strengthen the national response mechanism from a telecommunications perspective. Three emergency kits were pre-positioned in partnership with the National Association of the Scouts of Haiti in Port-au-Prince, Les Cayes and Cap Haitien.
Tsunami on the Mentawai islands
TSF strengthens the coordination of national and international relief efforts in the remote Mentawai islands following an earthquake-induced tsunami.
Thailand Floods
The heavy rains in the autumn of 2010 caused major floods in southern Thailand and northern Malaysia. A TSF team deployed to the Hat Yai province, where water levels had reached 3m, to assess the state of communications networks. TSF supported relief efforts as well as the local population.
Pakistan Floods
Severe floods in July 2010 killed more than 1,500 people. TSF supported survivors who found themselves in utter destitution by offering free calls in the provinces of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Sindh. In addition, TSF telecom specialists provided communications facilities to UNDAC and OCHA teams in Punjab and Islamabad.
Kyrgyz Revolution
June 2010: The situation is tense in the city of Osh, where clashes between Kyrgyz and Uzbeks have killed more than 2,000 people. 400,000 people are fleeing the violence, and the city's humanitarian and security situation is worrying. A TSF team deploys to the heart of the conflict to connect the humanitarian organisations present on site.
- 2011
Enhanced Response Capacity in Asia and Americas
Between August 2010 and February 2011, TSF trained 102 staff members from organisations and humanitarian agencies in Asia and Central and Latin America to improve effective use of telecommunications service in emergency situations.
Post-emergency - National Capacity Building
TSF trained 16 members of the national Chilean organizations ONEMI and SUBTEL on emergency telecommunications.
- 2023
Burkina Faso
IT Cup Community Centre - Guié
ICT at the service of isolated populations in Guiè
Maule Earthquake
An earthquake measuring 8.8 on the Richter scale occurred in the Maule region of Chile. As the country called for international assistance, TSF coordinated with the Chilean authorities to provide telecommunication assistance to the local and international community and populations.
Haiti Earthquake
The 2010 earthquake in Haiti is a humanitarian crisis that remains engraved in the memories of people across the globe. With more than 220,000 fatalities, and over 1 million people left without a roof over their heads, relief efforts were titanic. With the support of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations body (ECHO), TSF provided satellite telecommunications support for the humanitarian response community, including the government and the United Nations, whilst working to provide communications services for thousands of families.
- 2014
Abalak Community Centre
A new community telecom centre was inaugurated in July 2010 in the remote village of Abalak in Niger. In partnership with Delta Partners, the center offers an internet connection and computer training for the inhabitants of the region, as well as for local development organisations.
- 2010
National Capacity Building
A need for local telecommunication capacity at the Philippine NDCC was highlighted by the aftermath of typhoons Ketsana and Parma in September 2009. In partnership with the NDCC and the European Commission, TSF designed a capacity building programme for the benefit of national and provincial crisis management structures. 10 connected mobile office kits and 27 telephony kits were pre-positioned in the areas most affected by the latest disasters.
El Salvador/Nicaragua
Hurricane Ida
Hurricane Ida swept the coasts of Nicaragua and El Salvador in November 2009. At the request of UNDAC, TSF teams traveled to both countries to provide communications to the United Nations assessment teams.
- 2010
Epidemiological monitoring - Dengue
To combat the dengue epidemic that has been spreading in Nicaragua since October 2010, TSF set up an innovative system to monitor the spread of the disease. This system, based on simple SMS, enables the rapid centralisation of reliable data from several dozen health centres. This initiative set up in partnership with the PATH NGO is intensely used by SILAIS, a crisis unit mobilised by the Nicaraguan Ministry of Health.
Sumatra Earthquake
In early October 2009, two successive earthquakes struck the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. The number of victims is over 1,100, more than 1,200 seriously injured and nearly 200,000 people homeless. TSF implemented several satellite connections for UNDAC teams, coordination centres, and the hospital in Padang. Humanitarian calling operations were also set up in the isolated villages of the Padang and Pariaman districts, which had been completely destroyed by the disaster.
Samoa Earthquake
On September 29, a devastating 8.0 magnitude earthquake triggered a devastating tsunami. TSF provided telecom and IT support to the organisations present. In coordination with the NDMO, humanitarian calling operations were conducted in the evacuation centres.
Typhoons Ketsana and Parma
Typhoons Ketsana and Parma resulted in the deaths of more than 800 people and caused damage in 8 regions of the Philippines. A TSF team was operational in Manila less than 24 hours after the NDCC request. The telecom facilities installed by the team connected coordination centers in Manila, Tuguegarao and Tarlac; they also benefited UNDAC evaluation teams in 3 regions. More than 1070 calls were made to those affected, who were able to contact their family abroad.
Population displacement - Peshawar
The resumption of conflict between the Pakistani army and the Taliban in May 2009 forced more than 2 million people to flee northwest Pakistan. In very difficult security conditions (attacks, kidnappings), TSF provided more than 3,000 calls to civilians heavily affected and often injured by the violence. In such a context, talking with a loved one is priceless.
- 2011
ICT in the fight against malaria
TSF developed an information system to facilitate pregnant women's access to malaria treatments on the Burmese border.
L'Aquila Earthquake
The April 2009 earthquake in Italy left 260 people dead and more than a thousand wounded. The onsite TSF team provided emergency satellite lines to the civil protection coordination centres.
- 2010
Enhanced Response Capacity
In July and August 2009, in partnership with the European Commission, TSF led an emergency telecommunications training programme for 40 representatives of humanitarian organisations from 8 Asian countries and 4 Central American countries vulnerable to natural disasters
Population displacement - Al Waleed, Iraq
In partnership with UNHCR, TSF conducted a telecom assessment at Al-Waleed camp near the Syrian border in Iraq. Recommendations were submitted to the UN agency regarding the means of communication and access to the computer tool for Iraqis of Palestinian origin displaced in the camp.
Congo, Democratic Republic of
Support to UN Stabilization Mission in DR Congo
Despite a peace agreement signed in 2003, the provinces of eastern DRC are the scene of repeated violence. In the district of Uélé alone, at least 135,000 people were displaced, 900 killed, and more than 700 kidnapped. At the request of UNICEF, TSF installed a telecom centre at the Monuc camp in Dungu. This connection allows United Nations agencies present to respond to the need of thousands of displaced people living on this huge camp.
Cyclone Klaus
In response to the storm that blew over the south of France, the TSF headquarters offered assistance to local authorities in 4 departments of the southwest. TSF teams installed satellite lines in the Prefecture of Pau and in 11 towns in the region.
Panama Floods
At the end of 2008, more than 23,000 people were affected by heavy floods and landslides in the provinces of Bocas del Toro and Chiriqui, Panama. At the request of UNDAC, TSF deployed on November 28 from its base in Nicaragua to support UN coordination and assessments.
Support to refugees from DRC
Tens of thousands of people crossed the DRC border into Uganda to flee new clashes between the Nkunda National People's Defense Congress and the Congolese army. In this very tense security environment, many families had been separated. TSF helped these people by allowing them to contact their loved ones again. Nearly 2,000 families received a call in the Matanda and Nakivale camps in Uganda.
Ziarat Earthquake
300 people lost their lives in the 6.5 magnitude earthquake that rocked Balochistan in October 2008. TSF assisted survivors by offering them a free call. 514 families were able to contact their relatives and give them news through the telephone calls organised by TSF.
Central African Republic
Supporting the International Rescue Committee
Thanks to the Libreville agreement that put an end to fighting between the Central African army and rebel armed groups, refugees gradually regained their village after two years of absence. TSF supported the rehabilitation project set up by IRC by installing radio links between the capital offices and the bush offices, as well as in vehicles to ensure the safety of humanitarian workers.
Hurricane Gustav
TSF supported satellite communications and IT resource centres for humanitarian emergency operations following four hurricanes in Haiti.
Russo-Georgian War
Violent fighting between Russian and Georgian forces in the breakaway region of South Ossetia forced 160,000 civilians to settle temporarily in camps where living conditions were particularly difficult. At the request of OCHA, TSF deployed to provide telecom facilities for UNHCR-led assessments in the west of the country. More than 300 families were also able to contact their relatives during telephony operations.
- 2009
National Health Information System
Strengthening the ICT and telecoms capacity of the National System for Health Information in Niger.
Cyclone Nargis
TSF coordinated with the ETC to assist people affected by cyclone Nargis in the Irrawaddy region of Myanmar.
Central Mozambique Floods
The flood of the Zambezi River exceeded the alert level by 3m at the beginning of 2008. More than 100,000 Mozambicans were displaced in temporary accommodation camps. At the request of UNCEF, TSF supported the ETC in the coordination centres of Mopeia, Caia and Mutarara. The team then traveled through the temporary camps to offer free calls to those affected. More than 1000 families were able to give news to their loved ones.
- 2017
Telpaneca Community Centre
Near the northern border of Nicaragua, Telpaneca is a district populated by indigenous populations. In the eponymous town of 20,000 inhabitants, the economy relies mainly on the production of bananas and coffee. The IT Cup centre opened by TSF in partnership with the PIT facilitates access to ICT for students, teachers, farmers and local NGOs. It also enables residents to learn about the uses of the internet, to improve their daily lives.
Bolivia Floods
Heavy rains at the end of 2007 caused severe floods that affected several communities in northern and eastern Bolivia. In addition to the 48 fatalities and 5 missing, more than 40,000 families were affected and depended on humanitarian aid. OCHA requested that TSF provide IT and telecom support to UNDAC teams assessing the needs of survivors. Two coordination centres were also connected by TSF in La Paz and Santa Cruz.
Cyclone Sidr
More than 4000 dead and 8.7 million people affected. This is the heavy toll of cyclone Sidr that swept the south coast of Bangladesh in November 2007. TSF deployed and installed two emergency communications centres for all United Nations agencies and NGOs present in the field.
Hurricane Felix
Following Hurricane Felix, TSF installed three emergency communication centres for the United Nations and the humanitarian community in the Puerto Cabezas region, in partnership with the European Commission Humanitarian Aid Office (ECHO).
Darfour - United Nations assessment
TSF deployed a team of emergency telecommunications specialists in the Darfur region of Sudan to conduct an assessment mission for the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA). The mission was to assess the telecommunications infrastructure in Nyala, El Genina and El Fasher to determine the needs of the United Nations and NGOs in these cities located to the west of the country near the Chadian border. This conflict-ridden region, which, according to international experts, had since 2003 killed more than 200,000 people and forced more than two million to flee fighting and take refuge in makeshift camps on both sides of the border in Chad and Sudan.
Ica Earthquake
TSF deployed alongside UNDAC to support emergency response organisations with telecom centres and affected Peruvians through humanitarian calling operations.
Solomon Islands
Earthquake and tsunami - Solomon Islands
From its Asia-Pacific base on the campus of the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT) in Bangkok, TSF deployed a team to strengthen relief efforts working alongside thousands of people in the Solomon Islands. The TSF team dispatched to support United Nations Disaster Assessment and Coordination (UNDAC) teams - the UN emergency teams responsible for coordination and assessment in the aftermath of disasters.
- 2014
Dakoro Community Centre
In partnership with the IT Cup and Vétérinaires Sans Frontières Belgium, TSF opened its first community telecom centre in Dakoro, Niger, one of the most remote regions in the world.
Zambezi Floods
Weeks of heavy rains triggered flash floods along the Zambezi river and its tributaries, washing away homes, bridges, livestock and crops in four central provinces (Tete, Manica, Sofala and Zambezia). In coordination with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and Unicef, Télécoms Sans Frontières (TSF) responded to the emergency by deploying a first communication centre at the office of the National Disaster Management Institute of Mozambique (INGC) in Caia, only 24 hours after the activation of the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster (ETC) on February 15th.
Typhoon Durian
Following Typhoon Durian, which swept the Philippines on 1 December, Télécoms Sans Frontières immediately mobilised its teams to strengthen the relief efforts and offer communications to the affected population. The team from the Asian regional base collaborated with the National Centre for Disaster Coordination (NDCC)
- 2018
Thailand/Myanmar/Colombia/Peru/Panama/Costa Rica/Mexico/Chile/Indonesia/Ecuador
UNDAC & ASEAN coordination and assessment capacity reinforcement
Within the framework of operational partnerships with the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) and the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN), Télécoms Sans Frontières is the go-to organisation for providing technical expertise and training workshops on the application of emergency telecommunications in the humanitarian context.
Congo, Democratic Republic of
Katanga - Installation of UN telecom centre
Mitwaba is located in the Katanga region of southeastern Democratic Republic of Congo. This initially 4,000-strong village is now home to around 20,000 refugees following the conflict between Mai Mai rebels and the Congo's regular army. In May, the rebels surrendered their arms and improved security conditions, enabling the humanitarian community to support the population and local authorities. As a partner of the Emergency Telecommunications Cluster, TSF was in charge of ensuring the first emergency phase by implementing reliable telecom solutions in shared service and managing the transition for the duration of the emergency.
Lebanon War
The conflict in Lebanon destroyed many infrastructures. In the south of the country, telecommunications had been hit hard. In a very sensitive context, TSF’s objective of was to support humanitarian actors for a better coordinated and more secure response but also to provide psychological support to the affected Lebanese populations.
Java Earthquake
After a 6.2 earthquake strikes Java Island in Indonesia, TSF deployed satellite lines to support the United Nations relief efforts.
- 2008
Early Warning System - Food Security
Niger remains among one of the poorest countries in the world and suffers from food insecurity on a regular basis. The monitoring and management of the food vulnerability of Nigerien populations in isolated areas must be strengthened. Indeed, for maximum efficiency, information systems are an essential tool,coupled with the knowledge of risks, monitoring and the ability to react quickly.
Guinsaugon Landslide
On February 17, a large landslide buried the village of Guisagon (Leyte) under several metres of mud affecting nearly 2,000 inhabitants. In the hours that followed, TSF dispatched a team of emergency telecommunications specialists from its Asia base in Bangkok, Thailand. Less than 48 hours after the disaster, TSF had installed a telecoms centre to the benefit of all United Nations Agencies, NGOs and national and international relief workers.
Rural flight
TSF restores family ties amongst relatives separated during the dry season.
Hurricane Beta
Just after having returned from their mission in Guatemala, TSF Latin America teams are again called upon by Managua's authorities.
Kashmir Earthquake
On 8th October 2005, Pakistan, Afghanistan and India suffered a 7.6 magnitude earthquake. The main affected areas are northwestern India, eastern Afghanistan and especially northern Pakistan. In Pakistan, heavy relief intervention is required, with primary assessments showing the need for a telecommunications service.
Hurricane Stan
After a telecom assessment in El Salvador, TSF dispatched a team to Guatemala where the communications systems were damaged.
Niger food crisis
Hit by the drought, then by the locust invasion, Niger's harvests were insufficient in 2004. The granaries were empty and the next harvest was several months away. Famine threatened the lives of hundreds of thousands of children. Residents, local officials and NGOs called for urgent help - TSF set up an emergency communications centre in Dakoro.
Nias earthquake - Sumatra Island
Three months after the devastating tsunami, another 8.7 earthquake was occurred off Sumatra. On 28th March 2005, the population, which was already traumatized by the tsunami, believed to relive a new tidal wave. TSF deployed on the island of Sumatra from 31st March. The following day, at the request of the Indonesian government and OCHA, the Singaporean army transported the TSF team to the south of Nias Island where satellite lines were provided to relief and disaster relief.
Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami
Following the devastating tsunami that swept the Indian Ocean, TSF responded simultaneously to the needs of the affected population and relief agencies in Sri Lanka and Indonesia. TSF arrived in Indonesia within 24 hours of the government's call for international assistance and fully responded to the malfunctioning telecommunications networks in the Aceh province. The activities of TSF were essential for the coordination of the relief and the affected populations.
- 2005
Sri Lanka
Indian Ocean tsunami
Sunday, December 26, 2004, a strong shock is felt in the Indian Ocean. The intensity of the earthquake causes a tidal wave with a wave of 10 metres high, sweeping the North West coast of North Sumatra, the coast South and East of Sri Lanka, the west coast of Thailand - Faced with this extraordinary disaster, TSF intervenes in these 3 countries, communications being a priority. In less than 48 hours, TSF deploys to Sri Lanka to provide support through satellite connections to the humanitarian community and the thousands of people affected.
Typhoon Nanmadol
Three successive major typhoons mainly affected the province of Quezon - 75 km east of Manila. The intervention team from TSF, with the support of the NDCC, arrived in the city of Réal where it provided assistance to the population and rescue teams. This mission was co-funded by the European Commission.
Hurricane Jeanne
Cyclone Jeanne hit Haiti on 18th September. Two days of heavy rains led to serious flooding in North West Haiti, principally affecting the town of Gonaives. At the time of the disaster, TSF was already mobilised on the island of Grenada since 13th September. A TSF team arrived on Haiti on 24th September and had be augmented one week later. The team was from this date operational to bring help and support to the victims as well as local and international NGOs.
Hurricane Ivan
In September 2004, the strongest hurricane of the 2004 hurricane season swept the Atlantic Basin, causing catastrophic damage to Grenada. The land telecommunications and electricity network were the most damaged by the hurricane ; the mobile network was completely saturated. A great number of NGOs, institutions and local workers mobilized in St. George, the capital; however, they were unable to make contact off the island, on the island with difficulty. With the support of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO), TSF deployed on the island of Grenada to offer satellite lines for the benefit of the population, as well as data transmissions for relief organizations.
War in Darfour
In Chad, TSF set up a telecommunications centre in the region bordering Sudan. The purpose of this mission was to assist refugees from Darfur who had crossed the border, and to logistically and technically assist NGOs in the field to coordinate their response during this critical period of rainfall.
Floods in the town of Rio Blanco
As part of their collaboration agreement, TSF's Regional Base for the Americas and the SINAPRED intervened in Cerro Musun, affected by heavy floods and landslides.
Haiti/Dominican Republic
Caribbean Floods
TSF deployed to the Dominican Republic and Haiti following devastating floods to create emergency communications centres for relief agencies and the affected population
Al Hoceima Earthquake
Following the earthquake that rocked the Mediterranean coast of Morocco on the night of 23rd February 2004, Télécoms Sans Frontières was on the ground the following day to provide rescue organisations with equipment and telecom technicians.
- 2004
Bam Earthquake
With the support of the European Commission (ECHO), TSF mobilised to strengthen coordination and to intervene with the population following the violent earthquake that hit the city of Bam.
- 2004
Community capacity building
Although it is difficult to prevent risks, the preparation and investment in effective response mechanisms at regional and national levels limit the impact of humanitarian disasters. Haiti being regularly threatened by natural disasters, the collaboration between TSF and ANSH is part of an effective emergency response strategy.
Forest fires
Faced with violent fires that ravaged large parts of Portugal, Télécoms Sans Frontières team deployed to the district of Castelo Branco to provide satellite telecommunications for the Portuguese Civil Defence teams and all other rescue teams on the ground.
Boumerdes Earthquake
Boumerdes: Inoperative telephone networks after the earthquake - TSF is part of the ESCRIM (Rapid Civil Security Emergency Medical Response) mechanism and offers emergency calls to the affected populations.
War in Iraq
Humanitarian telephony for the Iraqi population and logistical support to local and international humanitarian organisations in Iraq with the support of European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO).
Remote telediagnosis
Pilot remote medical diagnosis mission for isolated communities in Nicaragua where many regions suffer from weak health infrastructures and little trained medical personnel.
Gard Floods
The prefecture of the Gard requisitioned TSF to provide telephone links across the Gard department following the floods in September 2002.
European Floods 2002
TSF deployed to the rescue and evacuation centre near Dresden Airport in Germany following the floods that hit Europe in August 2002.
Venezuela Floods
On 21st July 2002, an affluent of the river Apure that flows through the southern Venezuelan region of the same name burst its banks and flooded the entire town of Guasdualito and the surrounding area. The equivalent of a whole year’s worth of rain had poured down in just a few days. The Venezuelan government declares a state of emergency in the state of Apure: TSF supports national response mechanism.
Floods - Zeyzoun Dam
TSF assists the government and the Red Crescent to help the populations of the villages buried by the waters following the bursting of the Zeyzoun dam
Rwanda/Congo, Democratic Republic of
Eruption of Volcano Nyiragongo
Following a terrible explosion of the Nyiragongo volcano in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo on 17th January 2002, Télécoms sans Frontières was contacted by the Red Cross to support those providing help to the affected populations.
- 2013
San Bartolo Community Centre
TSF contributes to narrowing the digital divide in some of the world’s most remote and vulnerable areas. For the past 10 years, TSF, from its regional base in Nicaragua, has been providing computer and Internet training sessions to the inhabitants of the San Bartolo area. This region situated in the northwest of the country, far from the other main cities, is characterized by its poorly developed rural areas.
- 2002
War in Afghanistan
The Afghanistan war pits the US-led international coalition against the Taliban. This conflict caused mass population displacement and brought about several humanitarian needs. TSF helps the thousands of people affected as well as the NGO rescue teams present on site.
AZF Factory Explosion - Toulouse
Faced with a strong national mobilisation, the Departmental Operational Centre of Fire and Rescue (CODIS) from the Haute Garonne region worked with TSF to coordinate its field teams
Southern Peru Earthquake
Close collaboration with the Peruvian Red Cross and the International Federation of the Red Cross to respond to the needs of vulnerable populations
Bhuj Earthquake - Province of Gujarat
Telecommunication support to earthquake-affected populations and emergency responders mobilised on the response
El Salvador
Earthquake in El Salvador
TSF worked with Telecom Salvador in response to the massive earthquake that hit the capital, San Salvador
Floods in southern Thailand
On 25th November 2000, southern Thailand experienced the worst floods in 12 years which left 53 dead and one million affected in ten of the fourteen provinces of the country. TSF supported the Thai population and relief organisations.
Aosta Valley - Floods
Torrential rains fell on the Aosta Valley, the TSF team, equipped with 16 satellite telephone lines, arrived at the Emergency Command Centre 14 hours after the official announcement of the request for international assistance. First NGO present in the field, the team assesses the damages.
Aude Floods
Following floods, the Prefecture of the Aude Department requested the intervention of TSF
Izmit Earthquake
TSF deployed for the first time to emergency relief in the aftermath of the Izmit earthquake in north-western Turkey.
- 2001
Kosovo Crisis
Maintaining family links for minorities in Kosovo's landlocked areas
Kosovo Crisis - Refugees in Macedonia
Between 1998 and 1999, several tens of thousands of Kosovars crossed the border to seek refuge in Macedonia while waiting for the end of the conflict. TSF helped these refugees by allowing them to make their first call following their forced exile.
Kosovo Crisis
From February 1998, a new conflict engulfed the territory of former Yugoslavia.The operation that marked the start of Télécoms Sans Frontières took place - the first Humanitarian Calling Operations for Kosovo refugees seeking refuge in Albania.