Disaster response Philippines

Guinsaugon Landslide

Published on Feb 17, 2006 01:00 AM  -  Updated on Jul 09, 2019 04:31 PM
On February 17, a large landslide buried the village of Guisagon (Leyte) under several metres of mud affecting nearly 2,000 inhabitants. In the hours that followed, TSF dispatched a team of emergency telecommunications specialists from its Asia base in Bangkok, Thailand. Less than 48 hours after the disaster, TSF had installed a telecoms centre to the benefit of all United Nations Agencies, NGOs and national and international relief workers.

Context: Landslide
Start date: 17/02/2006
End date: 02/03/2006
Areas of intervention: St Bernard, Leyte
Activities: Support to coordination

24 Organisations assisted
1 GB of data exchanged
Over 200 faxes sent
+20 UNOSAT maps diffused