Protection and assistance
An ever-present humanitarian need
Our society currently faces a number of challenges: climate change and its devastating impacts, long-term conflicts leading to population displacement, but also social issues such as gender-based violence and health are all matters that can plague communities and cripple vulnerable populations.
At TSF, it is our mission to help alleviate the suffering of victims of phenomena such as climate change, but also to assist communities subject to various social issues and situations of prolonged instability. We seek to improve the quality and efficiency of the aid that is brought to families, and our teams are dedicated to growing innovative solutions to respond to the emerging needs of the field. We place emphasis on the development of a variety of tools that have the ability to respond to a number of topics ranging from ongoing emergencies to long-term programmes.
The role of technology in protection and assistance
TSF ensures that the solutions it develops are not only project-specific, but also cross-disciplinary, meaning that they can be applied horizontally to cover a number of different themes. It is increasingly important for humanitarian actors to ensure the involvement of communities in the implementation of tools and solutions for long-term issues. When communities are directly involved in projects, the information that they share not only allows them to work together with aid organisations, but it also improves the orientation of the programme.
Throughout our history, we have worked in support of various domains of protection and assistance such as telediagnosis, early warning systems, mHealth, food security, data collection and SMS alerting. Building on these previous experiences and programmes, we continue to work alongside partners in specialist domains to bring ICT and mobile technology to the forefront of humanitarian projects and improve the situations of populations in difficulty. We seek to use mobile tools and new technology to improve the efficiency of humanitarian programmes and galvanise the coordination of the aid community. Many of our tools have the capacity to empower affected populations, and the programmes of which we are a part aim to determine communities as an active part of project sustainability and development.